first thingzz first yesterday was frndshipzz day..so herezzz wishing all a very very happy frndshipzz day!!!(bit kiddish??lolz...!!!)for me it was a fabzzz day!!wazzz life without frndzz tell ya??!!so we all got together ta have a blasssTT!!!and tat we did!!the "PURE SOULS" tatzz me,amu,kitz,nihar and Caran...!!we all met up and had a whale of time!!no with them itzz really kool..i can behave the way i wanna..not caring a hoot about "mannerzz or shezz so childish" commentzzz!!!coz they're a bunch of chilled out people really!!kitzz mum had made us some idlizz which were like mouth-watering!!(yumm..i over ate!!lolzz...)we got talking about our sathaye-college dayzz...and in no time we were rolling with laughter on the ground!!!there wazz( still izz there)math prof called 'anil nayak'....!!hezz the most pathetic proff or even person i've ever had the misfortune of meetin!!i remember during the firzzt lec,he started talkn instead of mathzz about 'sania mirza'z skirtz and about aishwarya rai'.his list of antics also included 'writing the number five on the blackboard and then proclaiming that he'd studied math so advanced that he was told that 'tizz is the number five??naa!!itzz the symbol for five,it represents five..it will perform all the functionzz five wil...but still itzz not the number five'and then he expected us to smile appreciatively..almost the whole class smiled....grinned more of("u idiot of a prof..if itzz so then wat the f*** is it???!!!)i personally wanted ta take out my shoe and hit him!!!then one time he called us studentzz 'bast***s'...tatzz coz one frnd of mine was wearing ankletz and her moving(though he didnt no tat)was causing noise(??)to disturb the whole class and his teaching(???).but i'd say the whole truth..another of a frnd was making some really annoying sound by rubbing her scale against a piece of chalk(try it....great resultzz)watever it may b..i dont think tat empowerss him ta use his brand of foul languauge on us...!!and anyway his leczz were all crap!!(a walking sleeping pill if there was ever one)but more than that i hated his "look-i've-written-many-books-studied advanced-math so i'm the greatest(*pukez*)math prof out here attitude!! i mean man really wat the F***???but really remembering his anticzzz had us in splitz.now it izz..back then i cud've hit his head with a shoe so that it wud've knocked some common sense inta him!!!hahhaha!!in sathaye,the peonzz i've ta admit would seem more sensible and better turned out than the profzz(forget teaching,they barely knew english!!)like one who use ta call ball a "BOL"and "velocity and acceleration" woukd be "veeeliiiyocityy and asselirashioN" we would be left to decipher the meanings for ourselves!!!really surviving them was an adventure in itself..!!after sathaye and itzz profzz,we did some typical bonkergiri....(posing for photozz.. taking some hilarious videoss)and then settling for a chat again..!!tizz time it was about a frnd of ourzz whozz acting really mean thzzz dayzz!!bitching may b!!but it was fun(hahaha)and i mite add tat i'm really famous among my frndzz for "GIGGLING"(hahahaa!!!)the way three hourzz passed and i stilll didnt wanna let go(puhleeze god..puhlezze..some more time with them)!!but go i had to!!so all in all one of my favorite dayzz!!herezzz saying cheerzz to the spirit of "FRIENDSHIP"!! Cheerz and for now adiozz!!!
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