Another terrorist attack in Mumbai...this oness more dangerous and more horrible than the last..when the train blasts happened on 11th september(i hope i've not got the date wrong!!)two years back,I was near the Bandra station.we were going to take a train home,but mum called on my cell and asked me to take the bus..i dont no y..she got an intution or something..??but we did that and reached home..before the city became a traffic jam(panicked ppl trying to get home)and the cellphone signals switched off(the police did that for security reasons).the instant we got home and switched the television on,the news surprised us..moments before we were near the station...and no blasts,no nothing heard..rush hour and everyone was in a hurry to get home..and the moments later,all this blast thing...true this was the first time they'd stuck the heartline of mumbai,the local trains and i thought that there could be no other attack as horrifying and of course surprising as this one..clearly i was wrong...
the train blasts made us a bit cautious..after that whenever we used to travel by train,we used to have a look around the compartment(some of the people i knew would even look under the seats)..and see if there was anything or anyone behaving unnaturally...
what angered me(and still has me seething)are these speeches given by the politicians once a terrorist attack has taken place.."the people need to be strong and not panic..if we reamain united..the terrorists willnot succeed in their mission..."and then of course they have a standard line.."these cowardly(or dastardly..different adjectives are used everytime)acts of the terrorists have shocked the whole nation..but we will not be cowed down...and..the guilty ones will be punished..."What the fuck man..??u talk about 'being united so that the terrorists not succeed in theis mission'...fuck off..Mr.politician.. dont u see that they(the terrorists)have already succeeded in their 'mission'??which other fucking mission of theirs is left incomplete??they've already done the damage they intended to..killed people,destroyed property..done whatever... what else is left for them to do??!!and yet these dumb politicians will go on and on...
the cowardly acts of the terrorists they(the politicians)say..i say what cowardly u idiots..??itzz gutsy..if not anything else..the terrorists managed to kill the innocents in broad daylight...without anyone stopping them or whatever..cowardly it is in the sense that "they chose to protest or make their voice heard(whatever their cause might be)..through violence...".. then the politicians ask for people to stay calm..hell..!!did they the oldies,dumb oldies stay calm when the parliament was attacked??the parliament attack led to the biggest mobilization of forces in the country post-independence and led to fears of a nuclear war with that pakistan...but it was timely that brings me to ask..u asshole politicians,how calm were you oldiezz...??their statement that the 'act of the terrorists have shocked the nation"..i doubt Mr.politician..i doubt that...with attacks taking place every ones surprised..lest of all the scenarios such that if people hear of any blast..they go like.." again?? which place is it now??"no shock or anything...then the last thing that irritates me is their claim that 'the guilty ones will be punished'..fuck off one ever is..forget one is caught one is one is proved guilty...the sad..but true else can u explain afzal guru(the 2001 parliament attack convict)still being alive when he was sentenced to death..years ago..(but here too the popular sentiment among people is that he is being punished to hide some 'big' one nozz who or what..then the other thought is that the Congress doesnot want to offend the Muslims..fuck their votebank policies)but the bottomline is that 'no one wants to do the dirty work'..really now...
what saddens me the most is that the politicians think only of themselves and not of the 'greater good'..its frustrating...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Blasts in Mumbai...

I woke up this morning to hear my milkman warn my mum,"bachiyon ko college mat bhejna..taj ke ke vahan bahut bade dhamake hue hain..."mum at once switched the television on and together we watched as the terrorists layed siege to heart missed a beat when i heard that the terrorists killed ATS chief Hemant Karkare..damn them..!!it shook me from inside...i really really admired this man..his efforts in solving blast cases anywhere in the countryhave been remarkable..everytime there was a press conference about any blast case..i'd c him present giving out quotes and answering questions from the journoz..his was a tough job..and he was on the hitlist of major terrorists groups..but still the way he went about his job impressed me...honest,sharp,dedicated...some of the words that sum him up for me...and with his death..anti-terrorists efforts in the country have suffered a severe setback...besides that wat saddens me is the death of so many people....almost a hundred killed..damn it... the magnitude of the tragedy shook me...we kept the television running all the time..the reports baffled me..these terrorists went to CST station and fired indiscriminately towards anyone and everyone standing there..!! heart grieved for all the lives lost..sad...when i saw the pictures of them..the made me cringe with anger...but also think(i'll write my views on that later)the people stuck inside the fabulous taj hotel,the jews taken hostage,the army people was mind boggling...some guts these terrorists have i tell u...but sad,really sad...seems like the terrorists have lost their sense of sanity..and humanity too..which sane person woud attack hospitals,railway stations,etc etc??
no words....
I only pray that the anit-terrorists operations get over fast..and the people who are looking forward to causing further mayhem and destruction have some sense knocked into them....ans also these idiotic,dumb and useless(not to mention old and barely able to walk)..politicians get their act together..before the country is doomed...I'm(and so are all the other Indians)sick of hearing of blasts taking toh almost every month..and then u listen to these politicians givng false speeches of assurance.."whoevers done this will be punished"..nothing ever addition to punishing the guilty(when are they going to hang 'afzal guru'?)..the security structure and the intelligence gathering agencies need to be strengthened..and the best efforts need to be made to solve all the problems India is facing in terms of human rights(the Kashmir issue,the Naxal violence,the North-east insurgency..)..itz high time that these idiots sitting in something about that instead of dragging their usless feet on it...!!otherwise...GOD SAVE INDIA...!!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
In the end u are all alone...
ok now tis poem is a recent one i've written...i'm having bit of difficulty adjusting in my new college..itzz a lot to cope up with,but i'm not putting down my guard and being dejected or something..sometimes i wish i was born emotionless(i envy the people who are unaffected by anything or anyone..really)...coz emotionzz really..they can make or break a person..tatzz wat i've leant..u only can learn to cope up with ahem ahem..back to buisness...
How many promises between all may be made,
for hours you may stick ya earz to the phone..
howmuch ever,the 'folks' may hang out together,
their absence you may moan..
In the end u're all alone...
They may say they miss you,
damn it if u believe it..
sounds nice to the ears,itzz true..
but its all a piece of glorified bullshit..
u're doomed if you believe an iota of it..
In the end u're all alone..
U may be the best of friends
sharing things,making amends...
but when itzz all over nothing makes sense..
In the end u're all alone..
Sometimes life may offer a brightside..
the distance with darkness may be wide..
Let not the illusion take you for a ride...
enjoy it while you can..
but remember nothing of it will last forever..
In the end you are all alone....
How many promises between all may be made,
for hours you may stick ya earz to the phone..
howmuch ever,the 'folks' may hang out together,
their absence you may moan..
In the end u're all alone...
They may say they miss you,
damn it if u believe it..
sounds nice to the ears,itzz true..
but its all a piece of glorified bullshit..
u're doomed if you believe an iota of it..
In the end u're all alone..
U may be the best of friends
sharing things,making amends...
but when itzz all over nothing makes sense..
In the end u're all alone..
Sometimes life may offer a brightside..
the distance with darkness may be wide..
Let not the illusion take you for a ride...
enjoy it while you can..
but remember nothing of it will last forever..
In the end you are all alone....
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Barack Obama Wins..!!!
I jumped in joy when the news flashed about Barack Obama winning..!!I so wanted to join all those African-American people and dance with them..!!he might have won the election to become the President of some other nation,but his victory gives a sense of joy to all!!
first.I'm so sick of this belief in our country that white skin is superior.these 'fair and lovely' ads make me wanna get up and break the TV and also bash up all the people behind it..and whenever some 'darkskinned' person achieves something i feel like jumping and dancing and then yelling on their faces "see,it doesnt depend on the colour of the skin!!!".Barack may be only half black..but his apperance counts him out of the 'white' league..and for him to finally step out of the shadows and claim a place under the calls for celebration..!!!for me atleast..!!
Second hezz young..i mean not the age of our typical politicians(and indeed many of the American ones too)who can barely walk properly(read Atal Bihari Vajpayee..!!),save alone run a nation..a nation where the youth is in majority..!!so returning to Barack,I think hezz young age.. might prove to be a disadvantage as far as may be experience is concerned..but atleast hezz young,fresh and bubbling with ideas..!!and also I think the world is different now than it was in John Mcain's primetime..and a lot of today's youth identify with Obama..!!
third..hezz so charismatic..!!never once in his campaign has he highlighted his being 'different'. hezz never felt being a black sets him different from the others.hezz bubbling with confidence..and i so love that about him..I mean I've seen some of his speeches and his way of talking(firm yet polite),his gestures and of course his speeches,u simply have to sit up and listen in admiration..speaking for myself atleast I'm enthralled..!!!
fourth..his way of thinking..the way he has you no highlighted his policies,his plans and what he would do if elected,how he would go about his delights me..while he didnot please everyone,he didnot waver a bit and was clear and clean..unlike Mccain who goofed up quite a few times..his vision and his understanding of things atleast to me seems clear and firm..!!
fifth...I love his persona..his is simply so charming to my eyes..!!the fact that a few years ago,he was barely known and for him now to burst on to the national stage and dislodge even people who've 'been there and done that'(like Hillary Clinton)..itz remarkable and speaks volumes about his abilities,his intelligence and his rise from a humble not have been born with a silver sppon in his mouth..yet rise to phenomeonal heights of fame and importance..I think such people are to be celebrated.hen theres also the fact that hezz such a family person and he respects women..I admire his wife Michelle for she is smart and also a sharp,independent and a no-nonsense tolerating woman..!!soooo kkoool..!!
hezz got a hell lot of expectations resting on him..the entire world looks up to him now..and in this spotlight the way he'll go about doing his will be heavily scrutinised..!!I only hope that he doesnt buckle under the immense pressure,lives up to all the expectations and the praises that've been showered upon him and does what is just,fair and benefits the majority..!!
GOD bless Barack Obama...!!!
first.I'm so sick of this belief in our country that white skin is superior.these 'fair and lovely' ads make me wanna get up and break the TV and also bash up all the people behind it..and whenever some 'darkskinned' person achieves something i feel like jumping and dancing and then yelling on their faces "see,it doesnt depend on the colour of the skin!!!".Barack may be only half black..but his apperance counts him out of the 'white' league..and for him to finally step out of the shadows and claim a place under the calls for celebration..!!!for me atleast..!!
Second hezz young..i mean not the age of our typical politicians(and indeed many of the American ones too)who can barely walk properly(read Atal Bihari Vajpayee..!!),save alone run a nation..a nation where the youth is in majority..!!so returning to Barack,I think hezz young age.. might prove to be a disadvantage as far as may be experience is concerned..but atleast hezz young,fresh and bubbling with ideas..!!and also I think the world is different now than it was in John Mcain's primetime..and a lot of today's youth identify with Obama..!!
third..hezz so charismatic..!!never once in his campaign has he highlighted his being 'different'. hezz never felt being a black sets him different from the others.hezz bubbling with confidence..and i so love that about him..I mean I've seen some of his speeches and his way of talking(firm yet polite),his gestures and of course his speeches,u simply have to sit up and listen in admiration..speaking for myself atleast I'm enthralled..!!!
fourth..his way of thinking..the way he has you no highlighted his policies,his plans and what he would do if elected,how he would go about his delights me..while he didnot please everyone,he didnot waver a bit and was clear and clean..unlike Mccain who goofed up quite a few times..his vision and his understanding of things atleast to me seems clear and firm..!!
fifth...I love his persona..his is simply so charming to my eyes..!!the fact that a few years ago,he was barely known and for him now to burst on to the national stage and dislodge even people who've 'been there and done that'(like Hillary Clinton)..itz remarkable and speaks volumes about his abilities,his intelligence and his rise from a humble not have been born with a silver sppon in his mouth..yet rise to phenomeonal heights of fame and importance..I think such people are to be celebrated.hen theres also the fact that hezz such a family person and he respects women..I admire his wife Michelle for she is smart and also a sharp,independent and a no-nonsense tolerating woman..!!soooo kkoool..!!
hezz got a hell lot of expectations resting on him..the entire world looks up to him now..and in this spotlight the way he'll go about doing his will be heavily scrutinised..!!I only hope that he doesnt buckle under the immense pressure,lives up to all the expectations and the praises that've been showered upon him and does what is just,fair and benefits the majority..!!
GOD bless Barack Obama...!!!
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